Alan & Annalia
These two bring me the biggest joy! My huband has been a great supportor through all stages of my jounrey with dog training.
Annalia being the greatest three year old I could have ever asked for! She now shares the passion of dogs that we have and even has an imporant roll in our household when it comes to dogs! She marks her herself as a "Big Helper" and exceeds so!
As for my husband Alan he will be the one behind the scenes creating all of our amazing equipment, helping with dogs that need the extra help when it comes to being in contact with men and so much more
Pharaoh the Doberman Pinscher. He has been apart of our family for a year now and wow has he made our family different. Pharaoh was given to me by someone who could not care for him the same anymore. He is a total sweet heart and is the biggest love bug with my daughter!
Which we love because this also helps us when we have a dog come into our care that needs a dog as calm as he is to help them get through the tough behavior that they have.
He looks forward to meeting you all!
Katos the Belgium Malinois is another key factor in our family. Katos is only 1 years old and is such a sweet heart! He is currently in training for becoming our demo dog for all obedience training.
He has such an amazing drive for food and has been such an amazing experience training him. He is totally not the average dog, he needs a lot of attention and consistency.
When working with his breed we have been super causious with him around our three year old but he has proven that he enjoys her company since she on the calmer end of being a kid . The bond they have is amazing but of course that doesn't mean we can be super comfortable.
we still keep our precautions up.
If You Just Can't Take Anymore of Your Dog's Bad Behavior, Call Us To See An Instant Change!